A Few Words​

About Us

Creating the home you want to live in.

Brad Pipe Remodeling_6625
Building With Purpose

Our Five Step Process

Remodeling projects require a professional, organized, and fine-tuned approach.  So we've scrupulously thought through each step to ensure our work is performed with excellence.
  • Step 1: Ballpark Estimate

    Your remodeling project begins with a free, in-home estimate and consultation with Brad and Ross. This meeting typically takes about a half hour and the purpose is to confirm the major objectives of your project and determine a range of cost. Within a week or two of the meeting we’ll email you a ballpark estimate.

  • Step 2: Proposal

    If the ballpark estimate fits within your budget, we’ll schedule a second meeting to present a proposal. During this meeting, we also share your allowance list, *production timeline and payment schedule, and a 3D rendering of your future remodel. The proposal may take several weeks to complete depending on the size and scope of your project. As soon as the proposal is signed, we can get started on the pre-production tasks.

  • Step 3: Pre-Production

    Pre-production is the period between the signed proposal and demolition and can be seen as the administrative portion of your project. During this time, we’ll pull necessary permits, finalize design decisions, begin scheduling, and start procuring materials that have a long lead time such as cabinetry, countertops and flooring. The comprehensive allowance list is categorized according to priority to ensure we’re focusing on the most critical items first. That way, your project will move along as efficiently as possible during production.

  • Step 4: Production

    With the bulk of the administrative work complete, we can begin demolition and continue to execute our production plan. Because we only take on a limited number of projects at a time, you can be assured that once we start, we’ll continue to work with focus and efficiency until completion. Additionally, we’re well aware that remodeling can cause an inconvenience in your day to day routine. For that reason, we make it a policy to communicate our schedule and any pertinent updates on a daily basis.

  • Step 5: Walkthough & Warranty

    With your project finished, we’ll meet you one last time in your newly remodeled space for a walkthrough and to review the warranty. We want to make sure your vision has come to life before we shake hands and thank you for hiring us.

*Production Timeline and Payment Schedule

Depending on the size of your project, the production timeline is divided into 3-5 phases. After each phase is complete, a payment will be due. The final phase of the production timeline is the walkthrough and warranty which is also when we will collect our final payment. We find that aligning the production timeline with the payment schedule helps foster trust. We believe trust is the most important ingredient for a good working relationship between company and client. Feel free to contact us if you wish to see an example of a production timeline and payment schedule.

Let us introduce ourselves.

About Us

Brad Pipe

Brad Pipe

Brad was born and raised in the West Michigan area where he has raised a family of 6 beautiful children and is married to his lovely wife Leanne. He loves the community in which he was raised where he has honed his building skills for the last 20+ years. His building and remodeling experience ranges from multi-million dollar mansions to single family starter homes. Brad is passionate about transforming the homeowners dream into reality.

With his years of experience, Brad will focus on the “nuts and bolts” of the project and begin making the homeowner's idea a reality. With the heart of a teacher and the compassion of a fellow homeowner, he will take the client step by step through each process. Coordinating with subcontractors, designers and owners, Brad will make sure each aspect will be clearly communicated in a transparent manner and all parties work together to complete the project from start to finish.

Ross Beckwith

Ross Beckwith

Ross has roots in the West Michigan area for several generations and currently lives in Rockford with his wife and five children.   Ross has a broad range of interest and experience in various industries.  Having several years of experience in corporate America, he brings managerial experience and organization to the small business needs of BPR.  He’s earned an associate’s degree in culinary arts from The Culinary Institute of America and a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Cornerstone University. Ross is very excited to put his administrative skills to work for Brad Pipe Remodeling. 

While Brad is the face of the company, Ross provides critical back-office support.  This includes fielding phone calls, coordinating schedules, and handling all administrative responsibilities.  Ross’ role enables Brad to be in the field, where his remodeling expertise can best serve our clients.  

“And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.” (Col. 3:23,24)